Our Definition of Wellbeing
We empower – enable – equip learners to build their holistic wellbeing
personal wellbeing
Being confident and comfortable in our own skin. Goals we care about with trust and faith in our abilities. Having purpose, making a positive contribution and being happy.
social wellbeing
Building and maintaining positive personal and professional relationships. People we can rely on. Interests and social activities that are fun, and we enjoy sharing with others.
educational wellbeing
Learning from all experiences. Willing to learn – unlearn – relearn. Motivated to learn the knowledge, skills and capabilities we need to achieve our goals.
health wellbeing
Feeling well. Energy to do the things that are important to us. Taking responsibility for our wellbeing and seeking help when needed. Having healthy routines that maintain energy and wellbeing.
economic wellbeing
Have, or working towards, a role that we enjoy. Taking responsibility for our financial future. A sense of personal fulfilment in pursuing our employment, self-employment or business goals.